Saturday, May 7, 2016

The gifts from my mother

Last week at CBC, we were asked to reflect on our moms and offer up the best advice that they gave us growing up to help in our businesses.  As we went around the room, I had a chance to ponder what it was that I learned growing up.  First and foremost, I learned to work hard.  I am not sure this was ever spoken, however this I witnessed.  My parents were modest people who loved to travel, worked hard and provided for their family without question.  I also learned sacrifice and only as an adult did I really see the sacrifice of my mother. I saw how she kept our family together selflessly as she hoped for our futures to be bright even if it didn't allow for her to flower.  In that sacrifice, she also taught me that I was equal to any man in business or in life.  This may have been the greatest gift which show up for me in independence.  It also allowed me to always move forward with out blocks of seeing too many lines of separation.  She taught me that people are basically good and to trust.  I learned the value of looking into the eyes of another as I shake hands and to honor my word.
Sometimes as we go through the ups and downs in life it is not always easy to be in gratitude for all that I have been given and the incredible start that I had in life, but as I reflect and take this time to honor my mother I realize if I am going to show up in life, I should show up for her.  

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