Friday, January 29, 2016

The Happiness Project


 The Happiness Project
     Part of my coaching this year is to do my own Happiness Project.  We were asked to start off our session by reading “The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Ruben”.   This book is a 12 month approach to increasing happiness in your life.  I encourage everyone to take some time to design their own 12 month journey to happiness.  This is the layout of my Happiness project which will start February 1st 2016. 

February = Kids & Family! 
My Happiness project starts with creating love and peace in the home.  As a working momma, I can get moving pretty fast.  By moving too quickly, chaos tends to erupt and so my family needs peace.  
- Move more quietly.  In the morning as we race for the car and in the evenings when we get home from school & work, I will move at a slower pace.  I will remind the family that we have a peaceful home.
- Wake up the kids in a fun way.  I will also wake up 30 minutes earlier.
- I will use better language and be mindful of the kids being around when talking to other adults. 
- Listen from a loving space. 
- Have game night each week.   
- Emphasize exercise and do it with the kids. 
- More hugs and teaching moments.
March = Movement.
-Stretch every morning after my shower. 
-Walk the dog every day with the kids.
-Attend 1 yoga class a week.
-Ride my bike places
April = Cooking. 
-Start with a salad.
-Create a new dish 2 time a week
-Eat at home 
-No coffee on weekdays
-Start the day off with Lemon water
-Eat smaller amounts of amazing organic ingredients
May = Self-Care.
-Get a holistic treatment each week
-Get to sleep by 10:30pm
-Create a space for myself and go there
June = Spirit
- Meditate with Gratitude each morning as I am stretching before the kids get up.
- Get an Energy Session monthly
July = Get out into Nature
-Take a hike weekly
August = Organize and Declutter
-Clean out the cluttered Closets and corners. 
-Feng Shui my house 
-Clean up before I go to sleep
-Make the bed each morning
September = Community
-Get involved in kids schools 
-Get kids into community service of some kind
October = Friends & Fun
-Make time for Friends/ come up with a new way to engage
- Try a new restaurant each week
November = Enjoy Now
-Ask for help
-Take things in stride
- Release control
- Be Present & Thankful
December = Play
- Take time off
- Focus on Family
- Pat myself on the back
January = Work
- Create something new
- Let go and Delegate

     Each month I will write more detail of my project and I am sure things may change bit as I go however I am looking forward to the challenge and to see if I can change some old habits and create new ones.  

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